Terapeut de medicina alternativa si energetica. Absolvent al Academiei Stiintelor Naturii din Elvetia/Budapesta, studiez in continuare partea holistica a omului. Datorita pregatirii mele pot ajuta oamenii sa inteleaga si sa si rezolve problemele de sanatate si nu doar. Dupa 3 infarcturi, mi am refacut sanatatea printr o alimentatie constienta/sanatoasa dar si prin schimbarea viziunii asupra vietii. Misiunea mea este de a da mai departe importanta alimentatiei constiente si sanatoase, precum si de a “vedea” in spatele fizicului. Emotiile sunt aliatii sau inamicii nostri. Prin munca mea doresc ca tot mai multi oameni sa constientizeze importanta celor doua elemente : FIZICUL si SPRITUALUL !

Alternative medicine and energy therapist. Graduate of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Switzerland/Budapest, I continue to study the holistic side of man. Thanks to my training I can help people to understand and solve their health problems and more. After 3 heart attacks, I have restored my health through a conscious/healthy diet but also by changing my outlook on life. My mission is to further the importance of mindful and healthy eating as well as “seeing” behind the physical. Emotions are our allies or enemies. Through my work I want more and more people to become aware of the importance of these two elements: THE PHYSICAL and THE SPIRITUAL!

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